It's A Great Day for the Chirish!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Slices of Chinese Life Part 1

I am almost used to the noise, crowds, pushing, shoving, staring, hocking of very loud loogies, high-pitched Chinese music as well as dodging bikes, skooters and yes, even buses ON THE SIDEWALK! But as you know, the one thing I just can't make peace with is the food. I have taken Dru's advice and have been sticking to veggies. You can get by very nicely on fruit, veggies, rice, noodles, eggs and tofu. No barfing. In the market, they have every kind of food you can imagine, and some you could never imagine. There are many smells that are new, but at the same time extremely unpleasant. Gayle, I don't know how you did this while pregnant - you're a better woman than I am. I truly thought I might hurl in Carrefour's "grocery" department. One good thing though. I found Diet Pepsi at Carrefour's. Will made ice from bottled water at the hotel, so when we got home, we had a delicious cocktail of Life-Giving Diet Pepsi on ICE!! Mmmm! Will said I was a different girl after my diet Pepsi.

So now, without further ado, I'd like to present what I like to call - The Gallery of Disturbing Food:

No, your eyes are not tricking you - those are scorpions. You thought I was joshin you didn't you.

This is why it isn't good to eat bacon in China.


Those are chicken feet on the left and SEAHORSES on the right. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!!!

Absolutely no clue what this is, but I felt it was the piece de resistance. I'll be back later with more Chinese life.


At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your virtual tour of China is amazing! You have a wonderful way with words! You are making quite a stir over there! I am amazed that they feel that 55 degrees requires the baby to be so bundled up! She appears to be very easy going. Thank you so much for including us in your adventure! Love, Diane

At 11:15 AM, Blogger The Muellers said...

I hope you had a great day. We love to hear from you! Stick with the fruit, veggies, & rice ideas. You'll be o.k. with these choices, I HOPE! I bet the Diet Pepsi and ice was a little slice of heaven. Keep biting your tongue, taking deep breaths, and just think, soon you'll be home for all of "US" to tell you how to take care of Kiera!!! HEE!HEE! By the way, when do you come home? Please let me know what size you think Kiera is wearing. We can't do the pink shopping thing until you let us know. Our love to all. Keeping you all in our prayers, Jayna, Sandy, Emily, & Connor

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Gayle and Michael said...

Dear Kathy and Will,
Quite an These were two sayings that got us through all of the food: "Don't ask just eat," And "Snow brand beer goes with everything."
And yes, I (Gayle)did hurl at the Carrefour (but only once). I honestly don't know how I made it through the open markets or even on the streets with the food vendors and squatting babies.
Please remember us to Xiulan. Tell her that Sarah's socks are not too tight, but the diaper definately still is and were not budging on that one.
Thanks for keeping us up to date. We know that you are happy with Kiera and eagerly await your return.
Love in Christ,
Gayle and Michael

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Will and Kathy,

Can you update us on your itinerary? When are you leaving for Guanzhou and arriving in Hong Kong? Will Xiulan stay with you until you leave China? Are you ready to come home? I am ready for you to be home. Miss you!

FYI when I left click on the pictues, they become full screen and I can see so many details!

Love ya much! Diane


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