It's A Great Day for the Chirish!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Houston this is Kunming - We have reastablished communication

Sorry everybody for the delay in making new posts. When we got to the Kunming Hotel we were not able to get onto the internet until just a few minutes ago. We will try to make up for it with pictures and words. Just know that we intend to post something every day and that the only reason that we won’t is probably because something has happened to keep us from getting onto the internet.

We will start working on new posts when we get back from meeting with Xiulan (pronounced; shoe – lawn) who is taking such good care of us here in Kunming, and without whom we would not be able to adopt Kiera. Kathy is going to work on getting pictures up right away (because we know that you all want to see Kiera more than to read our posts) and then we will post more about our adventures – they include Kathy and the baby making spectacles of themselves at the market. Stay tuned.



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